Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Would you accept?

The other day a friend messaged me for some advice. Her daughter sat down with her and told my friend that she is in love with a girl. She wasn't shocked by it because she had always known her daughter found girls attractive. When her daughter was little she would point out little girls and talk about how beautiful they were. In a way she feels torn because her daughter is her only child but on the other hand she is okay with it and adores the girl that her daughter is in love with. But she asked me if I would accept it if one of my kids came out as gay. Would I accept them?

My answer is yes. If one of my twin sons or daughter sat me down and told me that they were into guys or girls I would totally accept it. Why? How could I not? I would be getting in the way of their happiness. If I didn't support them I would be showing them that its shameful to love who they love. I can't do that. I love my kids with my whole heart. If they want to be with someone from the same sex than I think they should do what makes them happy. I would accept it because love is love. 

Would I be shocked? Of course I would because my daughter is totally attracted to Asian boys and my boys love girls. When I say love I mean LOVE. They're totally into girls of all walks of life. They get embarrassed about it sometimes but trust me my son Gavin says he wants a girl like Beyonce, sassy, beautiful with some spice. Makes me laugh I swear. Brennan has a crush on a little girl at school but refuses to tell me her name because he says "she doesn't know I like her and I want to keep it that way". Its so cute how embarrassed he gets when it comes to girls. Hes in the "denial" stage. I remember those days. 

I was asked last year about how I would feel if my boys or daughter brought home a "minority" girlfriend or boyfriend? I told them that I would not have a problem with it. If they fall for someone who isn't white who am I to tell them that they can't be with that person? Yes I am mom. But honestly I would be a hypocrite if I didn't accept because my first love was black. I was 15 when I met him. We would hang out and watch movies. For me James was a person. His skin color didn't matter. Just like it shouldn't matter for my kids. If they want to love who they love than I'll be happy for them. No matter if its a same sex relationship or a relationship with a minority. As long as they're happy that is all that matters to me.

I gotta say though that if my boys do end up marrying feisty, beautiful women like Beyonce I hope they can handle them. Cause women like that don't play and they aren't afraid to show it.        

So would I accept my kids on who they love? Absolutely. If you don't accept it you're denying who they are and showing them that how they feel is wrong. Its not. Love is a beautiful thing that we as humans get to experience. Let them have their happiness and experience love with whoever they want. They only get one life... Let them live it. 

1 comment:

  1. If you do not accept your child's love, you will not even accept your child.
    Many people say they are protecting their children by trying to deny their "wrong" emotions, but they really protect themselves.
    Maybe they are afraid of what other people say if their daughter / son falls in love with the same sex, dark-skinned or otherwise "inappropriate" person.
    Being open-minded gives ourselves a lot more.
    Happy weekend to your family!


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